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Leaveaging GPUs


The psuedocode that implements the diffusion loop is:

1. For each timestep from 1 to num_timesteps:
   2. Copy the current temperature values to a temporary array (temp_copy)
   3. Initialize arrays for neighbor sums and neighbor counts with zeros
   4. For each valid cell (ignoring boundaries):
      5. Calculate the sum of neighboring cells:
         - Add the value of the front neighbor if valid
         - Add the value of the back neighbor if valid
         - Add the value of the left neighbor if valid
         - Add the value of the right neighbor if valid
         - Add the value of the top neighbor if valid
         - Add the value of the bottom neighbor if valid
      6. Count the number of valid neighbors for each direction
   7. Update the cell's temperature:
      - New temperature = current temperature + diffusion coefficient * (neighbor_sum - 6 * current temperature) / neighbor_count
   8. Ensure invalid points (NaN) remain unchanged
   9. Update the main temperature array with the new values

Running with NumPy

poetry run diffusion_numpy --num_timesteps 100

The above command will run the 3D diffusion model using the NumPy version of the code for 100 timesteps. Once the execution has finished then a report will be provided concerning the time taken for execution. When running on an AMD EPYC 7552 48-Core Processor, the execution outputs:

NumPy model completed in 489.2647 seconds. Average time per timestep: 4.8926 seconds.

You can visualise the model outputs producded with

poetry run visualise_slice --target_depth 0 --animation_speed 100 --data_file 

Of note is that the file is generated during the execution of the above command for the script diffusion_numpy. This will then generate a new interactive HTML file output/predicted_temperature_2d_interactive.html.

Running With CuPy

As the same code has been wrote in CuPy you can experiment with the difference between CPU and GPU code with the following:

poetry run diffusion_cupy --num_timesteps 100

The above command will run the 3D diffusion model using the CuPy version of the code for 100 timesteps. Once the execution has finished then a report will be provided concerning the time taken for execution. When running on an NVIDIA A40 GPU, the execution outputs:

CuPy model completed in 171.9884 seconds. Average time per timestep: 1.7199 seconds.

You can visualise the model outputs producded with

poetry run visualise_slice --target_depth 0 --animation_speed 100 --data_file 

Of note is that the file is generated during the execution of the above command for the script diffusion_numpy. This will then generate a new interactive HTML file output/predicted_temperature_2d_interactive.html.

Performance Comparison: CPU vs GPU

Overall Speedup

  • CPU runtime: 489 seconds
  • GPU runtime: 171.9884 seconds
  • Speedup factor:
    [ \text{Speedup} = \frac{\text{CPU time}}{\text{GPU time}} = \frac{489}{171.9884} \approx 2.84 ]
    The GPU completed the task approximately 2.84 times faster than the CPU.

Per-Timestep Speedup

  • CPU average timestep: 4.9 seconds
  • GPU average timestep: 1.7199 seconds
  • Speedup factor per timestep:
    [ \text{Speedup per timestep} = \frac{\text{CPU timestep}}{\text{GPU timestep}} = \frac{4.9}{1.7199} \approx 2.85 ]
    On a per-timestep basis, the GPU is about 2.85 times faster.

Efficiency Observation

  • The consistent speedup factor (both overall and per timestep) suggests that the GPU effectively parallelizes computations without significant overhead from data transfer or kernel launches.


  • Computational Efficiency:
    Using a GPU provides substantial performance gains, especially for tasks with repetitive, parallelizable computations such as numerical modeling or simulations.
  • Observed Speedup (~2.84x improvement) suggests:
  • The task is well-suited for GPU acceleration.
  • Full potential of the GPU might not yet be realized due to:
    • Limited parallelism in the workload.
    • Overheads from memory transfers between CPU and GPU.
    • Suboptimal use of GPU-specific optimizations.

The GPU's performance significantly outpaces the CPU for this task, reducing runtime by approximately 65%. Of note is that this approach is simply a direct move from NumPy to CuPy which represents a minimal amount of effort. Further optimization of the GPU code could enhance performance and exploit its full potential, leveraging on known time intensive tasks for GPUs such as data transfer.